Weathered Souls Brewing & Evoke Coffee Company – Charlotte, NC

The literal heart, soul & inspiration of the international collaborative BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL BEER movement, WEATHERED SOULS has expanded its reach into Charlotte community; EVOKE COFFEE likewise leverages their espresso experience in a recently-established brick & mortar location to help it “build community thru collaboration.”

Lost Shoe Brewing & Roasting Company – Marlborough, MA

There are breweries that offer coffee and coffeehouses that add beer taps – but LOST SHOE is the rare, fully-integrated BREWERY & ROASTERY that has put into practice this blog’s motto to “[s]tart each day at a great coffeehouse; finish each day at the perfect brewpub.” They honor Marlborough’s shoe manufacturing history and support current-day community non profits. LOST SHOE is, in sum, a nice comfortable space for the whole community. A 5-mug/5-pint space for Coffee & Beer lovers.

Mare Island Brewing Co. Coal Shed Brewery & Moschetti Cafe – Vallejo, CA

MARE ISLAND BREWING CO. COAL SHED BREWERY is a craft beer jewel leading the rejuvenation of the abandoned naval shipyard on the historic island (mirroring the Bay Area’s Alameda Island FACTION BREWING) which include a stellar “Seasoned Mug” Coffee Stout with beans from nearby MOSCHETTI CAFE